Since the is the beginning of the holiday seasons, I would like to reflect on what I believe. These beliefs stem from years of observation and are based on my reality alone. That's the nature of belief, they differ from each person and are as individual as our own personalities.
I believe:
the chance of a neighbor stopping by or a fed-ex delivery increases 100 fold if you are waiting for the color to set on your hair, just got into the bath or that 'corectol' has finally kicked in.
I believe:
we, as a collective society have lost our damn minds...watch any black Friday new report and witness the people sleeping in tents to be first in line at the local home improvement store and you too will be wondering who pee'd in our grandparents gene pool.
I believe:
we are raising a generation of carbon based life forms who will not be able to find their ass with both hands in a house of mirrors unless they can google the instructions.
I believe:
spending hours slaving over a hot stove making food from 'scratch' is about as fulfilling as crocheting your own under ware. Sure, you can do it but why?
I believe:
buying the t-shirt at Wal-mart that says "I love America" but was made in Pakistan is Karma's way of saying...'sure you do'.
I believe:
I want to go to dog heaven
I believe:
playing mahjong at 9:30 am doesn't necessarily make you a lazy bag of scum...staying in bed, watching cartoons with a lap top propped up on your beer gut playing mahjong at 9:30 am does.
I believe:
in the rights of free speech...this does not include your child screaming at the top of his lungs in the theater, restaurant, or within 500 feet of me.
I believe:
kids were more well rounded when there were only 3 channels and at some point you HAD to watch the news.
I believe:
I am out of coffee, getting a bit cranky and need a nap.
Happy Holidays: Gentlemen, start your shopping carts!
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