Today, on this day of reflecting and giving thanks, I thought I would depart from the usual kvetching and moaning and make a list of the things I am truly grateful for.
wheels on luggage
fabreeze...well any order eliminating device
social media that has brought back to me so many friends, created new ones and gave me an entire new outlet for tasteless jokes
cheap hair dye
gas station cappuccino
BBC America
the Internet
opi nail polish, especially nail envy
the cheap carpet in my office, so I don't have to freak out every time I see the dogs do the butt-scoot boogie on it
Terry Pratchett and his entire alternative universe
oldies stations
Orange Milano cookies
those teeny-tiny packs of toothpicks you get at some restaurants
the Amish, for making me feel better about my life
my pets
deep discount stores like "Tuesday Morning" and "Big-Lots"
McDonalds Ice Coffee
dental floss
not wearing panti hose
my teachers who didn't expect much ~ I lived up to your expectations
garage sales. estate sales, 2nd hand stores and rummage sales
stores that carry big giant bras
the cooking channels
microwave popcorn
my big-gass truck and my itty-bitty barbie car
tylenol pm
the hubs's work...well, hell the HUBS too!
digital cameras...(I still have rolls of film in the fridge to use up)
friends, friends of friends and their friends who 'like' me on face book
coffee pots with only one button
living in the boon-docks
my customers, fans and people who generally 'get' what I am trying to do
people who work for the good of others...nurses, police, firefighters, volunteer staff at shelters (people and animal) nursing assistants, vets and their staff, and anyone who can put aside common sense and let their heart rule.
This is just a partial list of all the things I am truly grateful for, and throughout the day I will be thinking of things I should have added...but for now I will wander around looking for another cup of coffee and be really grateful for going to a restaurant on this thanksgiving day!
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