You know the bit about a butterfly's wings flapping causing changes in weather...or however that's suppose to one tiny insignificant incident can have great consequences.
That is the essence of real life.
How going to a garage sale 4 years ago crated the need to make jewelry out of found objects. Or sending a note to a boy I liked 33 years ago created a life consisting of dogs, cats, and a log home in the boondocks.
And you never know when that butterfly's wing is gonna flap...if I had taken that scholarship to Northern Michigan...or that promotion to Parma, Ohio...(!?!) If I had not moved to the great black swamp, had a few kids or even took that offer to live in China. How would things be different?
Would I still be the same snarky person with nothing to do all day but glue stuff on to other stuff...
Would my kids even be speaking to me...
Would I even still be married...
If I had become a nurse like my mother wanted...would I be happy, healthy, still employed? If I had followed my dream and became an art therapist, would it have been a better life?
Did I really want to marry Barnabas Collins...(that would never had worked out...on soooooooo many levels)
What if I had participated more in school...been on some sports teams, had different friends, took math instead of independent reading (twice!) learned a language, a musical instrument, stood up to bullies...
What if I were cool...
It boggles the mind...what if.
But things are pretty fine here, sure I wish I had more carbon based life forms to interact with, but the Internet is still here and everyone is a key stroke away. Yeah, I wish my body would quit deciding to fall apart at inopportune moments...(symptom dujour...cramps in the thumbs) but it is what it is. Would I change anything???
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