hey everybully, its Lily and I got som tings to get offa my chest...
first, im a bulldog, and i tink i am bee-u-tiful...i don no wat fugly means but it cant be as bull-t-full as i am...
2...im jus a pup...sometimes i get excited and jump and chew and pee and other stuff...i am learning but it is boring and i would rather jump and chew...and pee
C: sorry about chewing off sophies collar 4 times last month...that sause you put on the last one made it taste like mexico. and the harness was too ugly anyway...nice try with the chain one.
also sorry about eating all the toys, but i should get sum credit for leaving the shoes alone ...by the way, this baseball mit is de-lish!
and i don no wat bully are suppose to do and wat they don usually do, so if i jump like a jack russle den oh well...i got lots of N.R.G. wat eber dat is.
so big lady just needs to we lax and enjoy de show
and som more treats would be nice 2
sin cerealy
LOL. I think you're beautiful too.