Just got back last night after a fun filled week in beautiful San Diego!
And as usual, the weather was cold, rainy and for the most part, very Michigan like. I would like to point out that the day we left, the weather cleared and they are now experiencing unseasonable temperatures.
I am just not a very good vacation person. My plans are to do no shopping, maybe catch a show, eat some exotic food, see some sights and generally not think about anything. Hubs wants to sleep, visit historical sites and gain knowledge to use on 'Jeopardy' or 'Cash Cab'. He is patient as a saint, I am not...soooooo not.
So imagine my surprise to find we were staying at a perfectly nice hotel but everything was 'a short bus ride away'...I don't really do buses, much. I like to know where I am going, when I am going, and I want to go directly there...I don't much like the idea of traveling to one point to catch a bus to another bus to a trolley and then a short walk to the taxi stand. The hotel had a shuttle, but it took you to the airport or the mall. And for whatever sick and twisted reason, the hubs was insisting on taking the bus everywhere. Did I mention we didn't have a schedule...
At one point the shuttle driver dumped us out in the middle of nowhere with no one but homeless tinfoil hat wearing guys for company. And what did my stalwart husband do??? He yanks out a compass and stands in the middle of the street trying to find N. Two middle aged pasty faced white people with bad polyester Hawaiian shirts standing in the middle of the street looking for N. We might as well carried a sign that said 'steal our travelers checks'. I finally just started looking for the nearest coffee shop for some comfort and cover while Gunga-Dave looked for magnetic north.
Finally a mail carrier pointed us in the right direction and we walked to the Hard Rock. After leaving there we wandered all over that end of town looking for something interesting...never found it.
Next day we went to the Midway. Awesome place. We then tried to find a bus stop to take us home...walking forever, dodging more homeless people and pigeons, we gave up and tried to hail a cab. Apparently the cab hailing gene has not been passed down to my husband and while we continued wandering in the general direction of the hotel we never managed to catch a cab. My feet and patience gave up and I insisted he call the hotel for a shuttle...'sorry, he went home for the day'. So we walked to the next bus stop we could find, got on and drove 2 stops to our hotel...my 70spf was long gone, we hadn't eaten all day and I headed straight to the bar. 2 Mai tais later I was waisted and headed back to the room.
Still insisting we would take buses everywhere, we spent the next day at Oceans Beach. More homeless, lots of pigeons and antique malls...We ate at Hodaddys, and I managed to wolf down the humongous burger with no problem whatsoever. While we were waiting for a bus (again!) a taxi came up and said...'man, I will take you anywhere you need for $5 each' (I jumped in!) when I asked why he stopped he said...'you looked exhausted, like the typical touristas'...yup, he had me pegged.
David wanted to go to Old Town, so, bus schedules in hand we head out. Mexican food or bust! He had been told of a place to eat, so we wandered all over looking for the place (passing about 17 gillion other perfectly nice, not crowded cafes) We found the place...with a 45 minute wait. So we waited only to be sat at the wonkiest table in the place, so wobbly that my drink (an excellent sangria) had tipped over! The food was good and David over did it. We spent the next few hours walking for 20 minutes, finding the restroom for 20 minutes, walking...'resting'...all the way home.
I was kinda over this trip but David had scheduled a tour on the "Stars and Stripes" racing boat...meh, apparently this is a big deal. Me, I stayed at the hotel, sat by the pool, wrote, read, drank and finally enjoyed a bit of my perfect vacation.
I think this 'vacation thing' we keep insisting on putting ourselves through is gonna be the death of me yet.
Wow, you poor thing!! I've had such great experiences in San Diego--I'm sorry you had a rough time!! Next time go when I'm out there and we'll have a ball!!