I love these glasses...love them to pieces...but try to find some cool vintage looking glassed around here and you hit a brick wall. I went to the eye doctor today and while I will put up with all the indignities of trying to rememeber my right from left, which set of blurry letters are better and stare directly into a light bright enough to cut metal, I think I should be rewarded with a condicending free attitude from the staff. Aparently I am asking too much...
My all time wish for glasses are some perfectly round...(no NOT Harry Potter, John Lennon, thank you very much) metal frames with a nice blue tint, when I ask for that I am looked at like a freak, or told....and I quote...'oh man, we get YOU PEOPLE in here about once a year'...(you people???)
Now, I know I live in the great black swamp that is Michigan...and style has very little to do with my life, but damnit, I want what I want...
so today...
after looking at all the typical average, 'designer' frames and being told my request for the round frames were really not very 'stylish' and wouldn't I much rather have these Vera Bradley specials with the rhinestones on the ear pieces...
I walked out glasses-less.
If I can spend 10 minutes on the internet and find these why can't the perma-tanned, professionally streaked, quasi professional find them.
If I want to tool around looking like a 60's throwback... its my business...if I want to give off wierd 'nutty-professor' vibes, its still my business.
I don't want to be 'stylish' hell, at my age, style has no impact on my life. I kinda like quirky, interesting, cool, wacky or even odd...I can live with those. So keep your cookie cutter frames and work with me here...maybe I will end up regretting it, maybe after a while I will get tired of all the side long looks and snickers, (doubt it) but its my money, my face, my request and my life...
But what the hell, at least they didn't weigh me!
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