It has been a long time between posts! Sorry about that, I would like to say I have been busy with housework (snicker), or studying for exams (not bloody likely) or rehabilitating an injured puppy..but alas, I am just lazy. I really don't like to write and find it hard to muster up the givadamn to get it together.
Time, got plenty of that...spend my days waiting for the phone to ring, making jewelry and thinking about what my next adventure in life will be. I also spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking my shop, yelling at the dogs and thinking about how I can get out of making dinner.
But every once in a while I catch a glimpse of whimsy that makes me want to jump online and share with everyone, and yesterday was one of those days.
Went to town to enjoy some junking and some decent food. Hubs and I are sitting in teeny-tiny Thai restaurant (love pad Thai with tofu!) and there are two sweet little old ladies there enjoying some Thai ice tea...classic American little old ladies, 75-80 at least, complete with the polyester sewn in pleat pants, matching twin sets, orthopedic walking shoes, bad perms and sparkle jewelry.
And I overhear this:
'you know I am looking for some new toons to listen on my Ipod' (yes, she said toons)
'well are you just listening or are you cleaning or listening in your car"
(see, I was hooked at the concept of the grandmas having an Ipod)
'no, for all around'
'well you can't go wrong with Lady GaGa, I really rock out with her"
"Ya, know, I find her too much like Madonna, too derivative to me...'
at this point I just looked at David with the patented 'scooby-doo' head tilt and crossed my eyes...he (in typical husband fashion) had no clue what was being said.
It was magic!
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