I am not the kind of person to wax poetic about sunshine and rainbows. My world is not filled with fairy dust and unicorns, more like pollen and rabid chipmunks... that's living in the woods is like. No, I am not a sentimental person and don't like schlock of any kind. I try really hard to avoid the cheesy, overdone and sickening sweet things that make me gag..(cheap mothers day cards, plastic flowers that spell out MOM, pink T shirts with roses and glitter...*shudder*) So this new pin with the words 'love always' was a bit of a surprise to me.
That is not to say there are things I don't love. I love a lot of things...a lot! here is just a partial list:
*60's music...everyone from the Beatles right on down to Gene Pitney...love it all!
*Coffee, any way, any time, any place...wish I had some right now...
*Estate sales...yeah, a lot of people find them creepy, but I always find something interesting and usually get a story behind it.
*Terry Pratchett..his Disc World series is awesome and if you are the least bit into British wit, check him out! (Thanks Jan!!!)
*British TV, I have no idea why...but love everything from 'how clean is your house' straight to 'Dr. Who'..
*Chocolate..I would eat a milk bone if it was chocolate
*Furry baby things...I now they grow into furry pooping things, but they are so cute!
*Alan Rickman, Christopher lee, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry,...(apparently I am living in the wrong country!)
*Having exchange students...will blog about this later, but suffice to say they are a hoot and teach you more than you ever teach them.
* Being married to my best friend. (awww...)
*Making things for my shop...yeah, I don't sell much but as long as I break even I guess I will be happy till the recession is over.
*Traveling...love it, especially for business. I know that is kind of weird, but when hubby and I travel together it is a fun filled week of: what do you want to do, I donno, what do you wanna do, I don't care, whatever, well what do you wanna do, I don't care..........
*Facebook...OMG! I am chatting with people I haven't talked to in years and years...I spend way too much time there but dang it is fun.
At any rate, we all have things we love. Maybe its going to the local Rocky Horror Picture Show or running 10k (when nothing is chasing you) or even listening to the Beatles while drinking cold coffee waiting for the glue to dry on your latest masterpiece.
I am now dreaming about chatting on Facebook while watching an Alan Rickman movie...any Alan Rickman movie, but preferably "Sense and Sensibility", while drinking coffee. LOTS of coffee.
ReplyDeleteActually, I'd rather be having coffee with you and Alan Rickman in person :) We can share.
any day, any time...and I HIGHLY recommend 'Mesmer' for all your ALan Rickman needs