You ever have a day that you feel like a cartoon...that nothing is real and you are just waiting for your ACME shipment to arrive. Today I feel that way. Maybe its because I am dealing with such odd things in my shop...leading me to odd people for sure, or maybe its just real life and I am only a marginal participant.
Like why is there a rose bush wearing a Hawaiian shirt at my local post office. There was a lady there ripping the shrubs up by hand (which caught my eye) but then I noticed the orange and red shirt on the bush...not laying on the bush, the bush was wearing the shirt. The lady had stylized the branches into a head and this our tax dollars at work or is this some weird art project for the boonies??? donno, but she asked me to take a picture for her...not of the shirt or the bush, but of her yanking the shrubbery out...(perhaps as an offering to the Knights who say NI!) at some point you just go with the flow.
Then, calling a small engine repair place to ask about fixing my leaf blower...
Me: is there a bench charge for bringing it in???
Person with no clue: donno, whats wrong with it...
Me: uh, its broken...
Me: wont start...
PWNC: well, you're gonna have to bring it in...
Me: but is there a bench charge, I called Sears and they have a $50...
PWNC: you say its broke?
Me: uh, yeah, it wont start
PWNC: but does it start?
Me: no, we tried to change the sparkplu...
PWNC: you're gonna have to bring it in...
Me: is there a bench charge, a charge to look...
PWNC...didja clean it??? maybe it just needs to be cleaned...
or the lady at Aco who gave me a paper and pencil to write down the prices of the items I was buying so she didn't have to call for a price check.
Or the guy at the Antique mall who asked me about 10 times if I needed help all the while keeping his back to I am basically talking to the back of his head. Took me a few times to figure out who he was talking to, but as I was the only one there I assumed it had to be me.
and my favorite gas station comedian...complete with the giant rubber cockroach on the counter...funnnnnnnny!
yup, its just that kind of day.
Hope your feeling better!!!