I know a lot of people out there love to cook. They love the whole creating a meal and serving a happy family gig that somehow escapes me. My sister in law would try a new recipe every week....for me, its cleaning out the fridge left over casserole and weenie-water stew. Cooking is not my thing...
I can cook, and I'm a pretty damn good one if I say so myself...if pushed I can cook a beautiful duck with either orange or cherry sauce, your choice. But do I wanna...nope.
And I can get all old school and make some bean soup with a smoked ham hock, red beans and rice or lentil stew...call ahead first.
My mom use to cook up a storm. We always had both a pork roast and a beef roast every Sunday...and never ever had fake potatoes, hamburger helper or mac and cheese...she made her own pickles, relish and summer sausage...her Christmas cookies (lebkuchen) were made in September and stored till December...hard as nails but perfect with coffee. She loved cooking...me, not so much.
When asked where my favorite place to eat I will always say the same thing...Denny's. But not any Denny's, oh no, the one on Waikiki beach with no windows and the sea gulls flying in to snatch your french fries...dang, I would get an extra order just to be there now.
I hate the entire process, all the way from going to 3 different stores to find all the ingredients for some recipe, to washing, chopping, cleaning, steaming and whatever else I have to do to get the stuff ready and then the presentation! ta-da...to which my family will generally sit down, salt it heavily, pour ketchup all over, and call it good...(could have been a kitchen sponge for all they notice) and the only rule I have is: if I cook it you will eat it and call it good no matter what. If asked you may reply with either 'it was great, lets have that again' or 'it was great, but don't rush out and buy more'.
I am so grateful for people in my life that love to cook. I understand the need to nurture, to put on the big apron and create wonderful things made with love and just the right amount of seasoning. I get it, but for me I wanna go to Denny's.